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Cacao Ceremonies: What You Need to Know About This Ancient Ritual (PLUS 4 Benefits of Taking Part in This Ceremony)

Are you wondering what’s all the fuss with the re-emergence of cacao ceremonies at holistic wellness retreats? What makes this ancient Latin American ritual so popular today and how can it benefit your journey to total well-being?


A few years back I was invited to a cacao ceremony. Unfortunately, I couldn’t attend but it did get me thinking about this ancient ritual and its benefits. I’m thrilled to be introducing this powerful ceremony into some of the wellness retreats I’m co-hosting with Hulda Ludbrook, a highly skilled and passionate holistic therapist.


Keep reading to find out more about cacao ceremonies and the benefits of taking part in this healing ritual.


What is Cacao?

You can’t be blamed for thinking cacao is the same as cocoa! However, there are some differences between cacao vs. cocoa as follows:

  • The cacao bean, which resembles large pod-like fruits, comes from the Theobroma cacao tree which is native to the subtropical rain forests of Central and South America.

  • The seeds from the cacao bean are processed to make chocolate.

  • Cacao is bitter tasting and ingredients such as vanilla, sugar, and milk are added to the processed product to make chocolate.


Cacao products are nutritional with a high content of minerals such as chromium, manganese, magnesium, and selenium. Dark chocolate generally has a higher cacao content, making it healthier to consume.


Other Interesting Things You Need to Know About Cacao

Many people enjoying casually sipping this superfood at home to boost mood and creativity.

  • Cacao isn’t a psychedelic and is listed as "generally safe" on the FDA list of natural substances.

  • People using anti-depressants, in particular some SSRIs and MAOIs, are advised to avoid taking cacao (Hulda offers a wonderful beverage alternative in our wellness retreats if you're not comfortable taking cacao.)

  • Its stimulating effect is similar to caffeine but it doesn’t create a “jittery” effect but, instead, is calming.

  • Cacao can be used as an energising tonic, especially for late afternoon slumps!

  • The Mayans considered the cacao as sacred, calling it the “Food of the Gods.”

  • The cacao was used for religious ceremonies, weddings, and funeral rites.

  • It was used as a form of currency in the 14th century.

  • Frothy cacao beverages were consumed by priests, nobles, and warriors seeking divine guidance.


What is a Cacao Ceremony?

Cacao ceremonies have been around for many years, dating back to the Aztecs and Mayans. This spiritual ritual uses raw cacao beans picked from the tree and is believed to have heart-opening and mood-boosting properties.


The ancient ritual involves drinking a cacao beverage brewed from raw beans or powder. When sipping on this beverage, you’ll notice that it has a distinct bitter flavour which isn’t unpleasant though it could take some getting used to if you prefer the sweeter chocolate drinks!


Cacao ceremonies are sacred spiritual rituals often facilitated by a shaman, healer, or holistic therapist. They’re used in modern-day society to enhance personal growth, self-awareness, mindfulness, and healing.


Taking part in a cacao ceremony can:

  • Restore emotional balance and overall wellness

  • Increase connection with others participating in the ritual and your Higher Power

  • Boost a deeper, more focused meditative state

  • Enhance spiritual growth and well-being


What to Expect at a Cacao Ceremony

Cacao ceremonies differ from one event to another and every healer has their format for using this ritual. However, a cacao ceremony should always start with setting an intention which helps participants get the best results.


Participants sip their cacao beverage, being mindful of their intention while honouring the process. Some facilitators will include dancing in the ritual to enhance the feeling of dropping into your “heart space.” Music is often used to create a gentle and heart-opening ambience.


Other facilitators use cacao to enhance guided meditation and breathwork practices. Cacao ceremonies offer a transformative and spiritual experience, empowering you to reconnect with yourself.


Hulda describes cacao as a “gentle heart-opening medicine which enables you to dissolve stuck energy and help you align with who you truly are.”


If you’re curious about participating in a cacao ceremony but still have some reservations, reach out to the facilitator who can answer any questions you have about this ritual. Having an open mind will allow you to fully embrace the process too!


4 Benefits of Cacao

Consuming raw, organic cacao has many benefits and drinking it during a ceremony or as part of your daily routine can do wonders for you!


1. Cacao Opens Your Heart to More Love

Who doesn’t want to experience that heart-opening feeling that often comes with love? That’s exactly what you can expect to happen whenever you sip on a cacao beverage (or nibble on some cacao nibs!)


Cacao seeds include theobromine, a principal alkaline known for improving the flow of blood which creates a heart-opening feeling. This makes it easier for you to feel love!


2. Acts as a Mood Booster

Consuming cacao which includes compounds known as PEA and anandamide elevates your serotonin levels and boosts your mood. This explains why tucking into a few squares of dark chocolate can make you feel happy and content!


These powerful compounds help to reduce stress and can decrease depression and anxiety.


3. Improves Focus and Mental Clarity

Many users of cacao can vouch for its powerful properties that lend to mental clarity and improved focus. Cacao is often favoured by meditators seeking better focus during meditation while it’s also excellent for boosting creativity.


When used during spiritual ceremonies, cacao helps you to connect with your inner wisdom.


4. Cacao Has Numerous Health Benefits

The cacao bean is full of rich properties that provide a range of health benefits as follows:

  • Flavanols protect the heart, have anti-cancer properties, and acts as an antioxidant.

  • Easily absorbed iron which is particularly beneficial for vegetarians and vegans.

  • Contains tryptophan which helps elevate serotonin levels and allows you to relax.


However, consuming too much cacao can result in unwanted weight gain so be mindful of your consumption!

Watch this video which demonstrates the process of a cacao ceremony.


Final Thoughts

The resurgence of cacao ceremonies lets you embrace the many benefits of this amazing natural product. Raw cacao beans offer many benefits that include enhanced self-discovery and healing holistically.

A skilled holistic therapist can guide you through the process, ensuring you experience a positive and enlightening experience.


Find out more about our Blooming Marvellous 1-Day Women’s Wellness Retreat that includes a beautiful heart-opening Glowing Goddess cacao ceremony.  Alternatively, contact me directly for more information.



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