In the world of personal growth and development, you’ll hear the word authenticity often enough. Ultimately, being authentic is the reason why many people choose to take a self-discovery journey.
It’s the quest for living one’s Truth, being genuine, and living a life with meaning or purpose.
Aaron Rogers defines it beautifully when he says, “Authenticity is everything! You have to wake up every day and look in the mirror and you want to be proud of the person who’s looking back at you. And you can only do that if you’re being honest with yourself and being a person of high character. You have an opportunity every single day to write that story of your life.”
Discovering my authentic SELF was hard work! It took years of self-reflection and inner work but in the end, it was liberating. Stepping into your space and living an authentic life allows you to be who you really are.
What Does Authenticity Mean?
In a world full of illusions, chaos, and egos, it helps to define authenticity and understand why it matters!
I know I'm authentic when I align my actions with my core values and beliefs. Living authentically means using and sharing my unique gifts and talents in ways that serve me and the greater good. Authenticity is the foundation for living a wholehearted life.
Authenticity can be defined as “…the quality of being genuine or real.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes being authentic as “true to one’s own personality, spirit, or character.”
I love John Legend’s definition, “Soul is about authenticity. Soul is about finding the things in your life that are real and pure.”
In summing up the importance of this virtue or state of being, Laila Ali says “Authenticity is very important – be true to one’s self.”

What Are the Benefits of Living Authentically?
Being authentic means living in accordance with your true self, no matter what external pressures try to force you to be otherwise. It’s about behaving in a certain way without falling prey to the expectations of your family, friends, work colleagues, or society.
Everyone is unique and will display their authenticity differently. Recognising this isn’t always easy but my gut feeling or intuition always confirms if I’m in the company of an authentic person.
These individuals have no qualms showing their whole selves, using their authentic voice even if it leads to difficult conversations or vulnerability. They take responsibility for their actions.
The benefits of living authentically include:
Healthier relationships: An authentic person allows another to be genuine. They build relationships that are deeper and more meaningful.
Better self-esteem: Living authentically means understanding and trusting who you are and knowing what you're capable of. This self-trust builds your self-esteem and confidence as you’re honest and aware of your capabilities.
Improved mental health: Living in your truth allows you to live in alignment with your values and beliefs. This reduces emotional and mental instability, empowering you to take action that aligns with healthier thought processes.
Freedom to be YOU: Having an authentic voice liberates you from societal norms that could cause you to live in misalignment with what’s close and dear to you. Discovering your authenticity frees you to live to your full potential.
Living authentically fosters a healthier community where individuals are encouraged to speak up and be true with love rather than live in fear.
5 Tips on How to Be Authentic
1. Cultivate Your Self-Awareness
Introspection is key to cultivating self-awareness. Understanding what motivates and drives your behaviour is important for discovering what needs to change. Inner work is uncomfortable and at times, painful, but it’s vital for transformation.
Through self-awareness, you define your strengths and weaknesses, empowering you to respond rather than react. With this self-knowledge, you change what’s not real for you while aligning with your truth.
2. Explore Your Limiting and Empowering Beliefs
Our conditioning plays a huge role in how we handle people or situations. Limiting beliefs make you behave from a place of fear. Exploring your belief system allows you to unpack and shift limitations that aren’t your truth, re-writing the story of your life.
By revealing and building empowering beliefs, you unveil your uniqueness and special talents, allowing you to be authentic. You honour your passions, interests, and feelings that require you to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

3. Take Responsibility for Projecting Yourself
Understanding projection as something we all do when triggered by someone else’s behaviour allows you to make constructive changes. Taking responsibility for how you project yourself ensures you don’t react negatively.
It enables you to step back, pause, and reflect before responding.
When you project yourself, you’re going against your true self. If your behaviour feels uncomfortable, ask yourself why. Knowing your core values and beliefs enables you to express your true identity without worrying about what others think.
4. Get Comfortable with Your Authentic Voice
The more you discover your authenticity, the more you want to show your true self to the world. However, speaking up isn’t easy when you’re not used to doing it. Start by using your authentic voice around people you trust and who have your best interest at heart.
It takes courage to stand in your truth and speak your mind. However, the more you practice using your authentic voice, the easier it becomes to speak up when normally you would stay silent. Speaking authentically boosts your confidence, especially when it encourages others to respond in an authentic manner.
5. Practice Self-Love
Self-love is powerful and empowering. Practicing self-love brings you closer to who YOU are while showing you that you’re deserving and worthy of living an authentic life. When you focus on loving yourself, you unravel negative thoughts and beliefs that don’t serve you.
Practicing self-love reveals what you’ve suppressed all your life and highlights what’s beautiful, real, and true under layers of untruths. Through self-love, you fully accept and embrace your imperfections, freeing you to live authentically.
Final Thoughts
Living authentically brings me peace, emotional stability, and joy. It enables me to step into my space and own it wholeheartedly, without shame or guilt. Speaking with an authentic voice empowers me to do my work as a transformation coach and spiritual healer.
If you’re struggling to find your authentic self, contact me and let’s talk. You deserve to be true to SELF and choosing to take a self-discovery journey is a stepping stone toward living an authentic life. Go on, do it!