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7 Ways to Embrace the Start of a New Year

Writer: Jana FieldJana Field

The new year always seems to creep in when I least expect it! The last few months of 2024 went by in a whirlwind (as they usually do every year!). I love a fresh start with the new year being a wonderful time to embrace this.


Living in alignment with my authentic SELF requires regular self-introspection. Focusing on how I embrace 2025 ensures I start the right way! Whatever your goals and dreams are for this year, make sure you take the best action to support your personal growth and development.


7 Ways to Embrace the Start of the New Year

1. Identify What You Want to Take Into the New Year

Every year brings new challenges, experiences, and successes. Some things work, but many don’t. Spend the beginning of the new year picking through what worked for you and be ruthless discarding what didn’t serve you.


Building on what did work for you in 2024 can include:

  • Cultivating relationships that support your overall well-being.

  • Honouring your personal growth by learning more about yourself.

  • Engaging in mindfulness practices such as meditation and yoga that supported you in 2024.

  • Vigilantly practising self-care and self-love.


Identifying what worked for you last year and nurturing it in 2025 keeps you authentic, healthy, and fulfilled.


2. Set Meaningful Intentions Every Day

Intention setting is an empowering way to stay aligned with your Truth, especially if you practice it daily. Be intentional at the beginning of the year by committing to intention setting daily and watch your life transform exponentially.


When you set intentions you are:

  • Creating mental and emotional clarity for a specific outcome.

  • Consciously focusing your thoughts and energy towards a desire.

  • Boosting the likelihood of a successful outcome.


When setting meaningful intentions daily, you’re embracing your authenticity mindfully.


3. Work on Your Life Blueprint

Whether this is the year for identifying your life blueprint or you’ve already established your journey forward, it needs constant work. If you don’t have a plan for your life journey, decide that now is the time to discover the path towards your North Star.


The benefits of having a life blueprint include:

  • Guidance: It acts as your compass, guiding you in the right direction.

  • Success: It gives you the motivation to achieve your goals and dreams.

  • Purpose: It helps you create stepping stones towards your North Star, vision, or purpose.

  • Better decisions: It ensures you make the right choice for your well-being.

  • Self-Empowerment: It puts you in the driver’s seat, putting you in control of your life.


Working on your life blueprint inspires you to create a meaningful, authentic, and fulfilling path that talks to your Truth.


4. Hire a Life Coach

Hiring a life coach is a great approach to starting the new year! A skilled life coach guides you through the abovementioned processes while ensuring you live the life you want. Life coaches are facilitators of change and you discover practical techniques and tools to support your quest for an authentic life.


Life coaching programmes vary but most of them support you in the following ways:

  • Self-assessment: Identifying what isn’t working for you and prioritising life areas that need improvement.

  • Goal setting: Setting goals that give you direction and focus.

  • Removing limitations: Exploring what beliefs don’t serve you and implementing empowering ones.

  • Values system: Finding personal core values that steer you on the right path.

  • Purposeful questions: Using the right questions to get the best answers!


An experienced life coach empowers you to become a better version of yourself while ensuring you stay aligned with your authenticity.


5. Declutter Your Space

I love spring cleaning my home on the first day of every new year! This includes decluttering and getting rid of stuff that no longer serves me. Decluttering physically allows the energy to flow throughout my home and revitalises me instantly.


Decluttering is a wonderful way of embracing a fresh start to the year and doing it regularly has many benefits. These include:

  • Balanced chakras: Our homes accumulate negative energies quickly, causing our chakras to become blocked. Regular decluttering and cleaning of our physical environment do wonders for harmonising our chakras.

  • Boosts mood: A tidy space reduces stress and improves your mood.

  • Better sleep: When your physical environment is clean and fresh, you get a good night’s rest.

  • Improved focus: A neat space improves your attention span, allowing you to focus on what’s important.


When you declutter your space, your productivity and creativity are enhanced, giving you the energy and motivation to live a wholehearted life.


6. Find Your Word of the Year

Finding your word for the year is an awesome way of reminding yourself daily what you set out to do in 2025. It should encompass your intentions for the year while meeting your needs and wants. Your word for the year underpins your goals and dreams, a constant reminder of what you decided to embrace and bring into your life.


Your word could give you the strength to start a self-discovery journey. Maybe it's the guiding light you need to make life-changing decisions or a reminder to have fun when life gets too serious.


Your word for the year describes how you want to feel throughout 2025 – pick it carefully!


7. Keep It Simple and Be Gentle

Whether making big life changes or transitioning from one year to the next, keep it simple and show yourself lovingkindness. It’s too easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus leading to self-recrimination!


Avoid complicating your life by narrowing down what’s important, close, and dear to you. Last year I committed to live a simple and wholehearted life and that includes:

  • Fewer possessions and more happy memories.

  • Daily routines that support my well-being.

  • Slowing down and smelling the roses!

  • Spending time in nature.

  • Quality time with those I love.


Setting intentions, having a life blueprint, and embracing every day with hope are all ways to keep your life simple. Being gentle with yourself is part of self-love too!


Final Thoughts

Committing to your total well-being is essential and reminding yourself of this at the beginning of every new year ensures you stay aligned with SELF. Identifying who you are and what you want is vital and choosing to do so at the beginning of 2025 is the greatest gift you can give yourself.


Following your North Star keeps you on track as one year ends and another begins. Life planning gives you the stepping stones to reaching your dreams and vision quest. I look forward to working with you during the year – contact me and let’s talk.




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