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7 Top Tips to Reignite Your Inner Magic for Personal Growth and Development

Updated: 5 days ago

Do you intuitively know that there’s something magical within you and yet, somewhere on your life journey “it” seemed to have disappeared?

Are you craving to bring back that sparkle, knowing that it’s essential for living a life true for you?

Tapping into your inner magic or infinite power is vital for personal growth and development but, where do you begin?


We’re all unique and our inner magic should be shared with others in beautiful and magical ways. However, for so many of us, our life experiences have slowly but surely dimmed our magic over time until one day, we wake up and wonder what’s the purpose of it all.


Keep reading to discover how to reconnect with your inner magic again and discover the infinite power that exists within you.


What Does Your Inner Magic Look Like?

You may be wondering what I’m going on about here! Yet, something resonated with you when you landed on this blog. Something told you that there is magic within you and that reigniting it would empower you to become the best version of YOU.


What does your inner magic look like? It looks something like the following:

  • Purpose: You have a deep sense of purpose, even if you can’t identify what it is yet.

  • Passion: You have a strong drive to do something, even if you're still trying to figure it out.

  • Gift or talent: You know that God, a Higher Power, Source has given you a unique gift or talent that should be shared with the world, even if you don’t know what it is yet.


Your inner magic is what makes you a great leader, an insightful teacher, or a powerful healer. It enables you to connect with others on a deeper level, create beautiful art, or inspire individuals to become better versions of themselves.


I call this your infinite power and if you aren’t aware of it, you're letting your SELF down. You don’t ever lose this incredible power but you can become disconnected from it.


The Benefits of Reconnecting With Your Inner Magic

When you reconnect and embrace your inner magic your life becomes meaningful. Other benefits include:

  • Walking the path that is right for you and has direction and focus.

  • Living a purposeful life that fulfills you.

  • Embracing a wholehearted life that includes compassion, self-care, faith, gratitude, and playfulness.

  • Achieving goals that align with your Truth.


Reigniting your inner magic empowers you to transform and transition to a life that aligns with your core values while allowing you to meet your needs healthily. Tapping into your infinite power brings you peace, balance, and overall well-being. It is your Divine right!



7 Top Tips for Reigniting Your Inner Magic


1. Listen to Your Inner Voice

How often have you had a “gut feeling” about something but chose to ignore it with catastrophic results? Listening to your inner voice or intuition is key to reconnecting with your infinite power.

It allows you to trust what is right for you and to make the best decisions for yourself.

 The next time you feel stuck or are facing a situation that doesn’t feel right, choose to go quiet and listen to your gut feeling. The answer lies within only if you listen!


2. Spend Time in Nature

The hustle and bustle of life can leave you feeling frazzled most of the time, making it harder to listen to your intuition. Spending time in nature is one of the best ways to start connecting within and reignite your inner magic.


Mother Nature is nurturing, full of energy, and vibrates perfectly, allowing you to ground yourself and restore your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. A study published by the Yale School of the Environment showed that immersing yourself in nature:

  • Improves your health

  • Boosts healing

  • Reduces stress


The study went further to say that individuals must spend two hours a week in green spaces for overall psychological well-being. When you’re nurturing your soul through nature, you allow your inner magic to wake up!


3. Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful path to Source and your inner magic. Practicing it daily enhances your connection with yourself and the world around you. The science of gratitude proves that it produces feel-good chemicals in your brain, reduces stress, and boosts self-esteem.


With improved confidence, a happier outlook on life, and less anxiety, you find it easier to reignite and reconnect with your inner magic. Practicing gratitude is important for:

  • Increased resilience.

  • Better mental and physical health.

  • Deeper relationships with yourself and others.

  • Positive thinking.

  • Boosting mental clarity.

  • Enhancing empathy.


All of the above makes it easier to listen to your intuition and to take a journey of introspection that allows you to reconnect with your infinite power.


4. Meditation

Meditation is another powerful practice that allows you to go inwards and start exploring your inner self that has become suppressed. When you meditate, you quiet your mind, calm your nervous system, and open your heart to receive love.

All of this empowers you to tap into your innate wisdom and power.

Through meditation, you can connect with your authentic being. It enables you to go into a state of mindfulness which allows you to live in the moment without any judgement. You become more self-aware, calmer, and more relaxed as you align more with your inner self.

That is your magic!


5. Reflective Journalling

Reflective journaling is a powerful tool for exploring who you are and rediscovering your unique gifts and talents. There are many ways of doing this practice but if you need some help, download the Journey Inwards eBook here and use it to guide you through the process of reflective journalling.


Journaling is a wonderful tool for unpacking and finding solutions that can be done in a safe space. Asking yourself the right questions helps you to unpack what’s holding you back from connecting with your infinite power.

This takes you on a journey of self-discovery and finding your unique purpose and passion for a meaningful and fulfilling life.


6. Creating Rituals

Creating a ritual is another way of discovering your inner magic. These can involve any of the following:

  • Early morning rituals: These can include prayers, meditation, and journaling.

  • Moon rituals: Connecting with the moon phases through rituals is a wonderful way of going inward and finding your true self.

  • Cacao ceremonies: Cacao is a powerful heart-opening natural product which boosts your connection with your inner magic.

  • Sacred flower rituals: Using flower essences is another way of tapping into your uniqueness.


Setting the intention to reignite and embrace your inner magic before starting a ritual is vital for the best results. You can also attend our Blooming Marvellous Women’s 1-Day Retreats in Johannesburg, South Africa to reset, restore, and revive your inner magic!


7. Hire a Life Coach

Another way to rediscover your inner magic is to hire the services of a skilled life coach. Quality life coaching programmes equip you with practical self-empowerment tools that enable you to find your unique gifts and talents.


A transformational life coach facilitates change so that you can live a life that is aligned with your Truth. Through the guidance of a life coach you:

  • Unpack and release limiting beliefs that have disconnected you from your inner self.

  • Build core values that reflect your Truth.

  • Establish healthy behaviours to meet your basic human needs.

  • Discover your true life purpose.


Life coaching takes you on a journey of personal growth and development that’s key to reigniting your inner magic.


Final Thoughts

I first discovered my inner magic under the guidance of a powerful spiritual teacher, Lionel Berman. Through shamanism principles, I was able to go inward and reignite my inner magic. Life coaching was the next step and my training steered me to my unique gifts and talents.


I use my intuition, rituals, gratitude, meditation, nature, and reflective journaling to stay connected with my infinite power. If you’re interested in living a life aligned with your inner magic, contact me today and let’s talk. You deserve it!


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