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Email: journeytreehealing@gmail.com
Jana Field
Transformational Life Coach
Using transformational life coaching
to help you with your
journey of change.
Do you want to change your current life path but not sure how?
Are you feeling stuck in a job you don't like?
Or, are you seeking the perfect life partner?
Do you want to live a healthier lifestyle but struggling with work-life balance?
Through transformational life coaching, Jana provides insight, clarity, and awareness so that you may:
🦋 Embrace the change you want to make in your life, starting a journey towards creating a healthier, more fulfilling, and meaningful life for yourself.
🦋 Transform yourself through self-awareness and self- empowerment.
🦋 Find clarity and awareness of the challenges you face in your current life, providing you with fresh insight and new directions.
Using 1:1 life coaching, wellness workshops, and retreats, Jana can assist you to find the answers you seek for a better life.
What Does The Journey Tree Symbolise?
The Journey Tree symbolises the extensive impact of my programmes, the branches extending out far and wide from a broad-based, deep rooted foundation of compassion, experience and knowledge.
Through an evolving process, individuals find their niche in increasingly ever-changing dynamics and environments, leading them to become introspective of their inner worth and growth.
With a creating holistic awareness of oneself, the "blinkers" are removed to make way for a broader, inclusive perspective to help find contentment, joy and beauty of both the internal and external.
The Journey Tree is an eclectic mix and symbiosis, encompassing a blend of life coaching, self-empowerment workshops, wellness retreats and healing practices to bring direction, focus and hope into your life.
​The programmes, workshops, and retreats aim to turn painful experiences into triumphs, bringing peace, serenity and a joyous calm.
Through integration, acceptance and self-awareness, transformation can take place. ​​​​​​